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Current Location:首页  >  Product center  >    >  Conventional heating type industrial dehumidifier  >  TRL-500PTRL-500P mini rotary dehumidifier

TRL-500P mini rotary dehumidifier

Brief description:Scope of use:
  200 ~ 1500m3/h processing air volume。
  Widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, military, warehousing and museums, laboratories, substations, ship maintenance and so on。

  • Product model:TRL-500P
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-14
  • Number of enquiries: 1566

Detailed introduction

品牌ZHONGYOU/ Zhongyou

TRL-500P mini dehumidifier Performance parameter table:

Model TRL-500P

Dehumidification capacity 72 liters/day 

Power supply 220V-240/ ~ 50Hz

Maximum power 4.3KW

Ambient temperature -10 ° C to 45 ° C 

Handling air volume 500 m3/h 

Regenerative air capacity 160 m3/h

Heating current 10A

Applicable area (2.6m/ height) 50 ~ 100 m2 

Volume (width, depth and height) 560×480×510mm 

Net weight 46kg

 Note: ◇ The data in the reference table is rated data, based on the air state of 20℃, density 1.2kg/m3。

     ◇ Steam consumption according to 2108.4kJ/kg, gauge pressure 400kpa calculation。

     ◇ The above units are selected 200mm thickness HPS silicone runner, other thickness requirements please call the company to explain。

     ◇ Dehumidifier power supply is 3V ~ 50Hz 380V。

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